Let us help with your planning for this new exam module. To coincide with the launch of the new set texts, we have a new range of teaching packs to help you teach these set texts for examination.
Each photocopiable pack has been created to enable you to teach a set text in its entirety. Each teaching pack follows the demands of the new specification and is jam-packed full of theory, practical ideas, teaching suggestions, homeworks and photocopiable student handouts for delivering the set text. The teaching packs will provide you with an abundance of lesson ideas and resources to teach your set play.
Please note: this product is a teacher's resource, it does not contain a copy of the play script. The play script will need to be ordered separately if you need it.
Each photocopiable pack has been created to enable you to teach a set text in its entirety. Each teaching pack follows the demands of the new specification and is jam-packed full of theory, practical ideas, teaching suggestions, homeworks and photocopiable student handouts for delivering the set text. The teaching packs will provide you with an abundance of lesson ideas and resources to teach your set play.
Please note: this product is a teacher's resource, it does not contain a copy of the play script. The play script will need to be ordered separately if you need it.