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Revising Equus

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Quick Overview

Written for Edexcel's Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice. It is part of our brand new 'Final Push Revision Series' this booklet is for when you're in the final stages of teaching the set text, Equus,-once you've covered the entire play and are looking to fine-tune students' exam technique and focusing on perfecting their written style, or ensuring they complete effective revision of the play before the exam.

This photocopiable A4 booklet will provide you with high-quality revision resources to ensure that you can consolidate students' understanding of Equus and will ensure that students feel confident tackling any unseen extract from the play.

In the 2019 Examiner's Reports for this component, the Chief Examiner stated that there were 'superb examples where candidates had considered several key moments from the text as a whole (before the exam) that could logically be connected to any other part of the play. These moments were really well considered and highly supportive to the response overall.' That's exactly what this book will help your students to do.

This book takes five key extracts from Equus and lets students thoroughly explore the five extracts from a performance perspective. The five extracts will be revised in great detail, with example exam questions, theories, tips and revision notes. By working through this book, students will not only gain a thorough understanding of written technique and how to score the highest marks within their answers, but they will gain in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of 5 key extracts of the play that they can then connect to any extract of Equus that comes up in their exam.

The photocopiable sheets in this booklet will all be focused around five different key extracts from Equus. By completing the range of tasks, and sample questions, within each section, students will get to know the extract and the characters in the extract in great detail. The booklet will not only give them thorough understanding of the play and its characters, but it will show them the main skills required for their written answers such as being able to link the exam extract to other moments from the play, using sophisticated subject terminology with their answers that is relevant to different question types and using perceptive and original character interpretations for performing the main characters in this play. It will help them to learn significant quotes to take into their exam, write from a performer's perspective and use first person narrative in their responses (all key aspects commented upon as areas for improvement by the Chief Examiner in 2019).

By working through this booklet, your students will feel fully prepared for any extract that is used in the exam paper and well prepared to aim for the highest marks.

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